

第十二条. 班会长协会
第一节. 目的

The purpose of the Class Presidents’ Association will be to collaborate on recurring programming and class events. The CPA will act as one another’s advisors on matters of leadership styles as well as establish and pass down institutional memory within the SGA. Its membership will maintain a thorough record of the Class Presidents’ Association and 类橱柜’ proceedings to pass down to future Class Presidents.

第二节. 成员

The Class Presidents’ Association shall be chaired by the Ada President(s) and an internally elected chair. The chair of the Class Presidents’ Association may not be in their first semester. The Class Presidents’ Association shall consist of:

  1. 椅子(年代);
  2. Ada总裁.
  3. 内部选举的主席.
  4. 剩下的班长.
第三节. 弹劾

The Class Presidents’ Association may not impeach any of its members from their respective class cabinet but may vote to impeach the chair of the CPA from their position as chair or advise impeachment to one of its members’ respective class cabinets if a serious infraction occurs. A two-thirds majority of the Class Presidents’ Association is required to impeach the chair or to sign on to a recommendation of impeachment. Any member of the CPA may initiate a vote to impeach or advise impeachment. Possible grounds for advising or executing impeachment include but are not limited to poor attendance at meetings as outlined in the Bylaws, 悬架, 解雇, 永久分离, 疏忽, 玩忽职守, and other infractions deemed sufficient by any member of the Class Presidents’ Association.

第十三条. 类橱柜
第一节. 目的

The purpose of class cabinets will be to act as a liaison between the SGA, 行政部门, 以及合适的课程. Class cabinets will also organize class activities and fund-raising events to promote class and inter-class unity.

第二节. 成员

每一类柜子, 高年级学生, 小类, 二年级, 一年级的课, 和Ada Comstock项目, 至少包括以下内容:

  1. 总统;
    1. The former 一年级的课 president shall become the acting 一年级的课 president until the election of the new 一年级的课 president.
    2. The Ada Comstock Program may choose to elect Ada Co-Presidents.
  2. 副总统;
  3. 秘书;
  4. 财务主管;
  5. 历史学家;
  6. 社交椅.
第三节. 顾问

The Director of Student Engagement or their designee will serve as advisor to all 类橱柜 and the Ada Cabinet.

第十四条. 众议院主席协会(HPA)
第一节. 目的

The purpose of the House Presidents’ Association is to act as an avenue of communication between 行政部门 and the houses on matters of residence at 澳门葡京博彩软件 by considering problems and questions regarding residential affairs raised by both the students and 行政部门 and recommending measures for consideration and action to the appropriate college or SGA committee. The House Presidents’ Association will discuss concerns relating to the functioning of the houses in order to improve guidance for house governance and act as an avenue of communication between the SGA and the houses.

第二节. 成员

The House Presidents' Association shall consist of:

  1. The Chair, chosen from among the house presidents;
  2. The Vice Chair, chosen from among the house presidents;
  3. The Secretary, chosen from among the house presidents;
  4. 所有其他众议院主席.
第十五条. 学术荣誉委员会

第一节. 目的

The purpose of the honor board is to preserve the academic integrity of all students, provide a safe and confidential environment where students may discuss possible infractions of the honor code, and uphold the academic standards and intellectual integrity of the college.

第二节. 成员


  1. 这把椅子;
  2. 秘书;
  3. 一位大二学生的代表, 初级, 高年级学生, 一名来自Ada Comstock澳门葡京博彩软件项目;
  4. 三名教员;
  5. 院长:学院院长;
  6. The dean of the class of the student called before the board who shall serve as a non-voting member.
